Welcome! Our latest registrations include: Avant Sports, Ticketmaster UK, Welsh Rugby Union, VenuePro, Design Tonic, Hilson Moran, FK Bodø/Glimt, Fortress GB, General Sports Worldwide, PMY Group, Sodexo Live, Russell Partnership Collection, FC Internazionale, Manchester City FC, Alexandra Palace, 24/7 Software, Brentford FC, Port Vale FC, Live Stadium...
Upgrading your venue's tech and systems? Apply for a free VIP delegate pass Drop us a note here


Marketplace is now sold out!

Important Update – The Marketplace for TheStadiumBusiness Summit 2014 is now SOLD OUT! 

“Our Marketplace area is the Summit’s key networking zone – hosting all breaks and lunches – and presents the best international opportunity for product and service suppliers to reach new markets and potential new clients,” comments Ian Nuttall, co-founder of TheStadiumBusiness.

“Our unique demo-pods provide the most cost-effective and state-of-the-art way to demonstrate and showcase new ideas and solutions.”

“This is our first-ever sellout – and surely the start of more to come!”

Products and services suppliers can join the Summit via delegate registration, using the button below.

Join the Summit

All of these organisations will be there, can you afford to miss out?

See you at Wembley!

Posted in Articles