Welcome! Our latest registrations include: Avant Sports, Ticketmaster UK, Welsh Rugby Union, VenuePro, Design Tonic, Hilson Moran, FK Bodø/Glimt, Fortress GB, General Sports Worldwide, PMY Group, Sodexo Live, Russell Partnership Collection, FC Internazionale, Manchester City FC, Alexandra Palace, 24/7 Software, Brentford FC, Port Vale FC, Live Stadium...
Upgrading your venue's tech and systems? Apply for a free VIP delegate pass Drop us a note here


@StadiumBusiness reaches 1500!

TheStadiumBusiness is delighted to announce that its official Twitter page has reached over 1,500 followers!

Have you followed us yet? @StadiumBusiness

Not only do we provide the stadium industry with Europe’s biggest and best meeting, follow us on Twitter for all the latest stadium stories.

From #newstadium to #fanexperience…. there’s always something going on!

This momentous landmark comes as the event embarks on a new challenge…

On the back of the ongoing success of our european edition, (now the world’s largest meeting of stadium owners, operators and developers), we’re launching our American edition in Miami.

Join us on 17 – 18 November 2015 for TheStadiumBusiness Summit Americas… and change your stadium business forever!


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