Pre-register for the #SBS25 super earlybird special! Pre-register now
#SBS25 will be back in Manchester for the 16th annual edition, 24-25-26 June, 2025 - Here's what happened in 2024 #SBS24 Rreview here


The world’s stadium leaders have a message…

We are privileged enough to work with some of the most influential people in stadia each year at TheStadiumBusiness Summit, who travel to be with us from all corners of the world.

So why do they come?

Many of our delegates attend the Summit year on year, so we asked them their thoughts on the conference, why it’s beneficial to stadium operators, and advice they have for other venue leaders thinking about attending.

Here’s what they had to say…

If you’re representing a sports venue or sports team, you can register for the Summit at our Earlybird rate with £100 off and a free hotel night!


Our Earlybird offer ends on 23 Mar, register here.

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